Economy News – Baghdad
Abdul Muttalib Al-Alawi, the Governor of Baghdad, announced on Sunday that the law governing irregular governorates does not stipulate a mandatory retirement age for governors.
In an official letter addressed to the Baghdad Provincial Council, Al-Alawi emphasized that the amended law No. 21 of 2008 does not set a specific age for retirement. He clarified that the process for appointing a governor is determined through a vote by the provincial council.
Al-Alawi noted that a critical element of administrative decision-making is jurisdiction, which is fundamental to public order. He remarked that the existing administrative affairs had raised concerns regarding jurisdiction due to flaws in legal issuance processes. The law outlined in Article 25 specifies various conditions for those nominated for the governorship, in addition to requirements for provincial council members stipulated in Article 5.
Furthermore, he stated that no legal age is prescribed for gubernatorial nominations. In accordance with the Unified Retirement Law No. 9 of 2014, Article 14 notes that retirement applies to employees appointed via Republican Decrees or by orders from the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister, or the Presidency of the House of Representatives. Given that the Governor of Baghdad was appointed under provincial law by Republican Decree, this context implies that the aforementioned provisions do not apply in this situation.
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