
US Plans to Cut Aid to Lebanon Amid Economic Crisis

Economy News – Follow-up

An internal communication has surfaced from an official within the Trump administration, indicating a proposed strategy for gradually phasing out aid to Lebanon and the Rohingya minority. These regions are currently grappling with significant economic and humanitarian challenges.

The correspondence, authored by Peter Maruko, Acting Deputy Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), was dated February 16. It outlines perspectives aligned with the Trump administration’s aims to curtail aid programs deemed unbeneficial to U.S. priorities.

In the message, Maruko intimated that assistance to both Lebanon and the Rohingya populations should be conditioned upon eliciting a sense of appreciation or goodwill towards the United States. He noted the importance of the U.S. receiving some form of gratitude from the beneficiaries of American aid.

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