Current Exchange Rates of the Dollar in Iraqi Provinces As of today, the exchange rates of the US dollar across various Iraqi provinces have shown notable fluctuations, reflecting the country's
Currency Comparison
Dollar Exchange Rates Decrease Against the Iraqi Dinar As of March 10, 2025, the exchange rates for the dollar against the Iraqi dinar have significantly declined in local markets. In
Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rates Remain Steady As reported this Saturday, the exchange rates for the U.S. dollar have stabilized at the Al-Harithiya and Baghdad stock exchanges. The current valuation stands
Overview of Dollar Exchange Rates in Iraqi Provinces This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current dollar exchange rates across various provinces in Iraq, highlighting significant regional economic fluctuations
US Dollar Exchange Rates Experience Decline in Iraqi Markets The exchange rates for the US dollar have seen a decrease today, Saturday, within the Iraqi market, coinciding with the opening
Economy News - Baghdad The exchange rates for the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar saw a modest increase on Monday morning across the markets in the capital, Baghdad. On