Autos & TransportationEconomy

New Electricity Projects Launched in South Salahuddin to Alleviate Power Bottlenecks

Economy News – Baghdad

On Monday, the Directorate of Electricity in South Salahuddin revealed new initiatives aimed at alleviating the electrical supply constraints in the southern districts of the governorate.

The Directorate indicated that issues with equipment functionality in southern Salahaddin are primarily attributed to the transportation networks within the region, particularly the connections between KV and thermal wires.

To address these concerns, the Directorate is implementing several projects to overcome station bottlenecks and support high-load demands. These efforts include the operation of secondary substations at 33/11 kV, deployment of mobile substations at the same voltage levels, and installation of 11 kV feeders in various southern areas of the province.

The initiative encompasses the completion of civil works for a 132/33 kV transformer station located in the Dhuluiya district, along with the installation of necessary equipment for its activation. Additionally, the Al-Farathiya station in the Al-Ishaqi district, a mobile substation in the Al-Hardaniya district, and another mobile unit in the Al-Hatimiya district are set to commence operations. Also included in this plan are the Yathrib district station, the Jerusalem station in Balad, and mobile substations in both the Dujail and Aziz Balad districts.

Furthermore, the Directorate highlighted the establishment of new 33 kV feeders in the Yathrib district, another in a country district, along with additional feeders in the Al-Hardaniya and Al-Hadira areas. Plans also entail the demolition and reconstruction of the existing substation in the Al-Hadira region.

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