Banking and FinanceEconomy

Ministry of Education Denies Kirkuk School Conversion Claims

Economy Update – Baghdad

On Sunday, the Ministry of Education addressed the concerns surrounding the potential conversion of school buildings into investment projects.

The Ministry’s media office responded to accusations regarding the alleged allocation of several educational buildings for investment purposes. The statement expressed dismay over the dissemination of baseless rumors propagated by unreliable sources, emphasizing the lack of concrete evidence to support such claims.

The Ministry clarified that there are no existing investment projects in Kirkuk. Furthermore, it underscored its commitment to providing adequate housing for Iraqi teachers across all provinces, viewing this as a national and strategic obligation that honors the sacrifices made by educators. This endeavor is pursued through proper legal channels, having received the necessary approvals from relevant authorities to avoid any involvement in questionable investments. Notably, the investment proposal concerning the industrial preparatory school in the province had already been declined by a ministerial committee, with an official correspondence documenting the decision sent to the relevant provincial authorities, emphasizing that no properties are available for investment in light of the urgent need to support the educational sector.

Additionally, the Ministry affirmed its intention to assert its rights and pursue legal action against any entities that propagate inaccurate information, calling for due diligence prior to the dissemination of claims—whether true or false.

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