The Ministry of Finance has underscored the critical importance of complying with the Council of Ministers’ recommendations aimed at enhancing financial and banking performance. This emphasis extends to the expedited adoption of modern electronic systems within the Ministry’s frameworks.
According to an official announcement, Finance Minister Taif Sami Mohamed convened a regular meeting involving the Undersecretary of the Ministry and senior executives from various departments, banks, agencies, and affiliated companies.
The agenda of the meeting addressed several significant topics, with a primary focus on reviewing the recommendations from past committees, assessing the progress made in implementing those recommendations, and identifying rates of achievement as well as potential challenges.
Additionally, the meeting explored proposed amendments aimed at improving the operational efficacy of the Ministry’s departments. The discussions also aligned with the evolving landscape of modern financial management, pertinent to developments in the financial and business sectors. Minister Mohamed emphasized the necessity of adhering to the Council of Ministers’ directives while continuing efforts to enhance financial performance and banking capabilities.
The statement concluded with a strong call to prioritize the rapid implementation of modern electronic systems within the Ministry, especially in vital sectors such as banking, customs, and taxation, to elevate work efficiency and deliver improved services to the public.