Economy Updates – Baghdad
The Ministerial Council for Economy convened on Monday to address strategies for maximizing revenues and mitigating economic and financial crises. The council reached a decision to proceed with the work of the Special Committee tasked with studying the import of cars, incorporating representatives from the General Traffic Directorate, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Construction and Housing, and the Ministry of Environment.
In a statement released after the meeting, it was noted that the fourth session of the Ministerial Council of Economics was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fouad Hussein. The gathering included the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, along with the Ministers of Trade, Agriculture, and Industry, the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, the Chairman of the Securities Authority, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Extraction Affairs, the Vice-President of the National Investment Authority, and the Prime Minister’s advisor for economic and legal matters.
The council reviewed items on its agenda and made necessary decisions regarding them. Discussions also covered several drafts proposed by members aimed at optimizing revenues and confronting potential economic and financial crises stemming from regional and global political and economic shifts. Key deliberations included assessing state real estate for sale or rental and enhancing revenue collection across various government departments while reinforcing the previous decision by the Council of Ministers to implement electronic collection systems.
Additionally, the council resolved to defer the Salah al-Din Governorate’s authority for executing projects previously assessed to ensure compliance with the current budget law. Further, it was decided that the Special Committee would continue its evaluation of car imports, incorporating representatives from pertinent ministries.
The statement outlined the council’s commitment to adherence to the established agricultural plan. Furthermore, all ministries are to coordinate support for the General Company for Grain Trade regarding the storage of wheat received from farmers for the upcoming season. This will involve collaboration with the governorates to establish appropriate land allocations for the company’s silos.
In conclusion, the council also resolved to include chickens, hybrids, and manufacturers in the agricultural calendar, contingent upon the Ministry of Agriculture providing precise data regarding the local chicken industry and domestic producers to meet local market demands.