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Baghdad’s Electricity Minister Demands Progress Reports Every 3 Days

Economy Update – Baghdad

On Saturday, Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali Fadel, emphasized the importance of submitting comprehensive reports every three days regarding the progress of electrical station projects and ongoing maintenance efforts.

The Minister chaired an extensive meeting with executives from the Baghdad Electricity Distribution Company to assess the advancement of initiatives aimed at resolving bottlenecks ahead of the upcoming summer season.

During the meeting, the focus was placed on the actions taken to carry out the directives of Prime Minister Mohamed Shi’a Al-Sudani concerning the implementation of the three-lips system. This includes a commitment to providing detailed updates every three days related to project completion rates and current maintenance work.

Minister Fadel underscored the necessity of adhering to the established timelines for executing the outlined plans and highlighted the need to intensify efforts to enhance the operational state of equipment in Baghdad.

Additionally, he instructed the team to address any obstacles that may arise during field operations and to ensure the provision of required supplies to optimize performance.

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