AgricultureBanking and Finance

Baghdad to Unveil Lucrative Agricultural Investment Opportunities

Economic Update – Baghdad

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Agriculture announced its plans to present investment opportunities at the upcoming International Investment Forum scheduled for May.

Iyad Kazem Al-Bolani, the Director General of Agricultural Investments at the Ministry, stated that the Ministry’s participation in the forum—hosted in Baghdad—aims to allocate land areas for the establishment of both plant and animal production projects. This encompasses initiatives such as factories producing animal feed and breeding stations for livestock.

Moreover, the Ministry intends to showcase investment prospects related to the rehabilitation and maintenance of its existing projects across various agricultural sectors. Al-Bolani explained that there are ready investment opportunities that will allow investors to apply through the National Investment Authority. Subsequently, local investment authorities will issue the necessary licenses.

He further clarified that the Ministry will facilitate the agricultural investment contract for interested investors, while land contracts will be issued by the State Real Estate Department.

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